Confectionery production "AtAg" - PublisherNews - портал системы продвижения публикаций

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Chocolate sweets "Marvellous taste"
31.10.2018 19:31 Консультации
Chocolate sweets "Marvellous taste"
Production of the confectionery products: chocolate sweets, candy, dragee, boxes of chocolates, mini chocolates, weighted and packaged sweet-stuff, chocolate gift boxes. Cupola – shaped sweets, in the branded glaze, with a delicate praline filling, with the additive of the whole hazelnuts, crushed...
Chocolates for children
15.08.2018 19:51 Консультации
Chocolates for children
We offer you a wide range of chocolate gift boxes and small chocolates. Our sweets will satisfy every taste and whim of your child. Children are ready to eat sweets always and everywhere. But most of them are hard to call the healthy food. But the favorite delicacies, dainty things can be...
Gift boxes of the chocolate sweets
15.08.2018 16:52 Консультации
Gift boxes of the chocolate sweets
Chocolate sweets, during its existence, have managed to conquer the whole world. People of all ages simply can not deny themselves such pleasure. A gift box of the chocolate sweets - what can be simpler and more desirable as a gift, as well as a good occasion to gather the whole family at the same...
Chocolates "Pure gold"
15.08.2018 14:54 Консультации
Chocolates "Pure gold"
Production of the confectionery products: chocolate sweets, boxes of chocolates, mini chocolates, weighted and packaged sweet-stuff, chocolate gift boxes, candy, dragee. Mini chocolates per 15 g. With a soft creamy filling and with the flavors of: "Cappuccino", "Coffee", Coconut, "Irish cream"...